I would like to take a moment and confess that I have not kept the blog up to date at all for one reason. I have been discouraged by the small number beside my followers total. But I discovered that by not writing here I have put a very large cap on my creative ability and growth. It is not possible to find new avenues of expression when all my thoughts are left in various corners of my brain and seldom spewed into tangible expressions of conviction and burden. I also came to the conclusion that I was persuaded very easily to start this blog, actually re-start the blog because I have always had a dream of writing a book and having it published. I was told that a blog can be a great start at this, so I figure if this dream is to go from moments of subconscious reflection and crafting into a reality, I need to be proactive in the process. I would never want to get to the point of seeking a publisher with a half finished thought for a potential title of a book that has not gone past the whiteboard sessions in my mind. So I will write, even if it is for the few followers to read that day, I will share what is on my mind, and maybe start a few more blogs for different streams of thought. For now, I write because I genuinely love to construct thoughts and pictures with letters placed sometimes incorrectly into sentences. Join me if you like.
Now I want to give a 'shout out', do we really still say that, to a group of people that are making a difference in the world by reminding us that everybody is capable and deserving of a second chance. This is a community, that have termed themselves 'People of the Second Chance'. The purpose of this community, if I am correct in this and may take the liberty, is to present the idea that a second chance is not out of reach for any of us. That regardless of the offense, the missed opportunity or the wavered path, a second chance for your life is available. The idea behind all of this is Grace, that we would both accept and offer grace to one another in this life, that we would be a people who understand that at one time we had a second chance, and though the opportunity to make it right may have come out of a transgression that is our eyes was not a great one, somebody still offered us the path to correct our ways, a second chance. They took the story of Michael Vick and his re-entry into the NFL as an opportunity to offer him a second chance. I believe the words used went along the lines of "I hope he succeeds" there may have even been an expression of "I hope the Eagles win the super bowl". This is one example of the grace that they hope to convey to a world that has made themselves the judge of everyones life, forgetting that vengeance is not ours to extract. Maybe they are what we would term 'grass roots' but I see the importance in their words and the desire in their actions to show to any who they may cross paths with a second chance at their life.
In an earlier post I mentioned about the role models we have placed before our children, and while I still believe that we are giving improper direction for our boys to become men of truth and strength with some of the personalities out there, I also believe that each one of these names mentioned is an incredible candidate for a second chance. When a physical injury happens to one of our sports hero's we seldom write them off and claim that they will not produce as they once did. They go through possible surgery, then rehab, then some low impact training, then some game simulation training, then possible they start into a game with limited play, and they make a comeback that can see them achieve equal and greater ability then they had before the injury. But for some reason when we hear of these sports heros breaking laws and hurting others we place them in a category of useless second hand underachievers. We no longer cheer for them to comeback to the game and make a difference, and when they do we make big signs and stand there, at a game, or even in our living room, conveying a message of disgust. Why not express an option for a second, or in some cases, third and forth chance. Cheer for these people to come back to the team and be the player they were trying to be. After all we only know about their life problems because of the fame they have, we don't know of the life issues of all those around us and they may be living lives worse then those who are forefront on our televisions.
The fact is that everyday there is a new face on the television or a new voice on our radios and podcasts of someone who has messed up in life. They express words of regret that may or may not be true or adequate for the moment. Maybe there is no remorse in their life stemming from the circumstance they have been caught up in. But the voices and faces are there. They come from all walks of life, politics, sports, finance, religion, business and celebrity. However they all come from the neighborhood you and I live in. They come from the cars next to you on the freeway, they are the people who you pass in the grocery store, they are everyone. And regardless of what walk of life they are connected to, what stream of finance they enjoy or lack, they all have one thing in common, they are people just like you and I. So next time you hear or see the face of someone who has screwed up a little or a lot, instead of beating them up with our words and actions, why not do the right thing, be a 'people of the second chance.' After all, you got one, why shouldn't they?