Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Weird title right, but that's what I find our society is suffering from.  We are so focused on the tabloids and television gossip shows and talk shows and so on that we forget these are real people as well.  Yes they have a camera on them almost 24/7, yes they make multi-millions of dollars for a few months work, sure they have a posh life style and I confess I watch a lot of movies and I love sports.  But I know behind it all they have a life that is not much different then the one we all struggle to live everyday.  Yet we ostracize them when they break the law or find them selves in a not so glamorous situation.

We need to ask the question, why are they not worthy of grace in that moment.  Remember the OJ Simpson trial?  Every second of it over publicized and even for weeks after it was over newspapers around the world carried front page stories on the civil trial.  I really don't see the need for this, but again we put these people on a pedestal then rip it out from under them the second they waver in any way.  Yes the trial was based on a tragic event, but if it had been two people who were not linked to a celebrity in any way, the trial would have had a short column in a local paper mid way through and the only thing covered on television would have been the car chase and ensuing arrest.

Let's bring it down a few notches from terrible to laughable, and no I am not comparing events, just illustrating our fascination with celebrity.  At the super bowl, A-Rod was being fed popcorn by his celebrity girlfriend Cameron Diaz.  It's been how long since the game, a month, and still there are people showing this footage, having drawn out conversations about the moment.  If it had been some couple in the 300 section of the stadium it would have been a sweet gesture, maybe shown once on sports center as filler and forgotten.  But it's not, it's A-Rod.  So we drag it out and I'm sure it'll be mentioned at least once on opening day, and multiple times through out the year, maybe even next year.

Here's the reason for my rant on celebrities.  I'm not trying to talk them into a pit, or make you stop reading the Gossip magazines while you wait to pay for your groceries, ok maybe that one.  I'm simply stating one obvious fact, they are people like you and I.  We need to stop measuring ourselves by their success and what they do in life.  Stop trying to compare who we are to them, stop giving them a pedestal and taking it away.  Would you do this to your neighbor?

My uncle lived on the same street for years as many of the Toronto sports franchise athletes.  He had conversation with them, and never did he talk them up or down in any way other then what he would do for his non athletic retired neighbors.  He didn't elevate them to these royal positions in his mind or ours when he discussed them, he talked about them as though they were real people with real lives, emotions and needs.  He actually understood that they just had an ability that made them lots of money and had a camera on their face more then you and I.  But strip it all away and you a person, just like you.

And that is all they are, real people.

1 comment:

Alanna Rusnak said...

You're right - it's so easy to forget they're real people. Kind of like in elementary school when you find out your teacher goes to the bathroom - it blows your mind!

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