Many of us can recall the lyrics to the Three Dogs Night song, 'One' - one is the loneliest number..... This can be true, being alone, as one person can be absolutely paralyzing at times. Imagine the impact it has on your mentality, you show up for this large event you have planned, and you are the only one who actually shows up. Or you decide to go out and try to make a difference in the community and you organize a time and put up fliers and no one else comes. There you stand, alone, one.
Broken and destroyed by the lack of others you vow not to attempt anything big ever again, no longer will you be trampled by 'the better things to do' excuse and 'sorry I'm busy' remarks. Leave it to someone else, they'll do it. Maybe they'll be better at promoting it, or they are more popular then you, so people will flock to their side and aid them in their quest to change the world.
But what if no one takes up the charge?
As it turns out, one is not the loneliest number, far from it actually. If we think back into the history of our world, what we come across is an entire list of one's who changed the course of history. Maybe they each had moments where no one showed but themselves, maybe they were shook by that experience, or maybe they were strengthened by it.
So you are one person, and maybe in your context you are one in about 37 million others around you, maybe it's only one in 9000, but you are still ONE.
Can you imagine the impact you will have as you walk through your community, in the schools, hospitals, retirement homes, and show love and grace to people. One person changing the lives of so many others, because one is not a lonely number, zero is.
Zero people can never spread grace, zero can never buy groceries for their hungry neighbor, zero can't even screw in a light bulb. But one can.
So you are only one person, get out there and go change your world, BEFORE some one else does.
You challenge me every day.. Thanks Larry!!!
Just wondering if I can steal some of this
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